NCTA Foundation

In 1994, the North Carolina Trucking Association (NCTA) foundation was established as an non-profit 501 (c) (3) tax deductible charitable and educational foundation. Federal Tax I.D. 56-1893210
To assist the work of charitable, educational, literary or scientific organizations.
Education and Industry Research
To institute, sponsor, establish, foster and promote educational programs and research projects in the trucking transportation industry.
To foster and promote scholarship assistance to applicants pursuing a career in the trucking industry.
NC Road Team Captains
Select North Carolina professional truck drivers to represent the Foundation to promote highway safety and inform the general public about the trucking industry.

NCTA Foundation Board of Directors
Scott Lassiter
City Transfer and Storage Company
NCTA Foundation Board Chairman
Lance Collette
Eagle Transport Corporation
Catherine Ezzell-Joyner
Ezzell Trucking, Inc.
Grover Ezzell
Ezzell Trucking, Inc.
Archie Wood
SWTO LLC/Speedway Transport Operations
Dennis Robbins
Jeff Wilson
Wilson Brothers Milling & Trucking Co.