Top Tech Challenge
Chairman: Benjamin Phillips - Yarbrough Transfer
The NC Top Tech Challenge is a state competition that offers technicians the opportunity to show off their skills, gives them the opportunity to represent their company, meet like-minded professionals in their field and offers our fleets, dealers, manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors the opportunity to build relationships with one another.
Contestants will go through 2 training sessions on Saturday morning. The competition will consist of a written test, a completion of a series of individual skills stations, a rotating technician training fair, and conclude with an award lunch on Saturday afternoon. Each technician receives one award lunch ticket with their registration; additional tickets for spouses, family or company representatives may be purchased. Everyone attending the award lunch must have a ticket.
Awards will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place heavy duty tech and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place student techs. 1st place winners in each division will also win an all expense paid trip to represent North Carolina at the 2024 National TMC SuperTech, or TMC FutureTech for students.
Cost $75 per technician, students at a North Carolina Community College are free.
Eligibility: Contestants must reside in the state of North Carolina and be employed by a member of the North Carolina Trucking Association or be enrolled as a student at a state sponsored college or university that has a transportation program. Contestant must sign and return agreement and release form upon registration.
**Deadline for entry is May 23, 2025**
Truck Driving Championship
Chairman: Melissa Anderson - Walmart Transportation
The North Carolina Trucking Association (NCTA) will host drivers from across the state to compete in the Truck Driving Championship (TDC). Participants in the TDC will take a written exam that focuses on safety rules and regulations, perform a pre-trip inspection, and complete a skills/driving test. Drivers can register for the following classes: 3-Axle, 4-Axle, 5-Axle, Flatbed, Sleeper, Step Van, Straight Truck, Tank Truck, or Twin Trailers.
The event will conclude with an awards lunch on Saturday afternoon. Each driver receives one award lunch ticket with their registration; additional tickets for spouses, family or company representatives may be purchased. Everyone attending the award lunch must have a ticket.
To be Eligible Driver must:
- Be based in North Carolina & have been continuously employed for the previous 12 months
- Have an accident free driving record for the previous 12 consecutive months
- Have the proper CDL endorsements for the class driven
- Be employed by an NCTA member company
Please note: Registration is first come first serve until May 23rd or when we reach the max number of drivers of 200.
There is no cap on the number of drivers per company or class this year.
If you would like to participate but don't know who your drivers will be, please email Lindsey at lharris@nctrucking.com or Laura at lsherman@nctrucking.com to reserve your spots.
Awards will be given to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in each class; Pre-Trip Inspection Winner; Rookie of the Year; and TDC Grand Champion, who will represent North Carolina in the National Truck and Step Van Driving Championship.
Cost $150 per driver
Company Tents are welcome, but must be reserved in advance. Please click here to reserve tent space.
Driver of the Month/ Driver of the Year winners are recognized at the Awards Lunch at the completion of the TDC. The purpose of this program is to recognize NC truck drivers for their commitment to safety and professionalism during their carrier. To nominate a driver fill out this application.
**Deadline for entry is May 23, 2025**